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The Artist Formerly
Known As Tybalt


Which is Better?

Food or Sex: I prefer my sex with gourmet food -- nutrishous AND stimulating.. and very VERY kinky.
Paris or NYC: Paris, but only if there are no French people. If not Paris, then NYC; but only if there are no New Yorkers.
CDs or LPs: CD's, definately! They're easier to scratch and they sound mad fun when they skip. Though LP's shatter better.
Labyrinth or TMWFTE: TMWFTE, definately -- it's so artsy that nobody understands it, so you can easily pretend you're smart by sounding off some bullshit theory about the movie. Artsy-fartsy types will flock around you like a methadone clinic.
Money or Love: With the way computer prices are dropping these days, the money you save can be used to buy love! Whatta deal, whatta steal -- I'll take two!

Word Association: (please type the first word that comes into your head):

Bowie: Leather
Iman: Pokeman
Lets Dance: Dancin in the Sheets
Jerry Springer: *beep*beep*beeeeeeeeep*kapow*beep*
Reeves Gabrels: Peee-yew
Gail Ann Dorsey: Skin (from Skunk Anansie) clone
Bowienet: I used to have a life, right?


If David Bowie called you on the phone asking for money, what would you do?
Guffaw and give him a lecture about how he never lent ME money when I asked him. Then I'd give him a fiver for the bus ride home.

You are Ruler Of the World for just one day. List the things you would change.
I would abolish Snapple and Fox, as well as that stupid TV Tax thang. Then I'd make the French people either disappear, or spend 5 days in West Virginia.

What is the one thing you would buy Bowie as a present? Why?
A lifetime supply of PowerBars. He's gettin old and needs the energy, y'know.

What do you think is your greatest talent?
I can touch my nose with my tongue... that always impresses the ladies -- cuz with a tongue like that... ;)




Which is Better?

Food or Sex: Is this a joke? YES PLEASE!
Paris or NYC: NYC, I'm Afraid of Parisians
CDs or LPs: CD's, though I'll always refer to them as albums till the day I die
Labyrinth or TMWFTE: TMWFTE, on-screen frontal male nudity I ever saw (or was that side male nudity?)
Money or Love: Well....I love! love I guess.

Word Association: (please type the first word that comes into your head):

Bowie: teeth
Iman: neck
Lets Dance: amnesia
Jerry Springer: pfffffeeeewwaaaaaagggggghhhh! (burp)
Reeves Gabrels: bulldog
Gail Ann Dorsey: sweet (from Skunk Anansie) clone
Bowienet: sanctuary


If David Bowie called you on the phone asking for money, what would you do?
I'd ask him what he did with all of his! Then I'd send him a loaf of whole wheat bread and some peanut butter.

You are Ruler Of the World for just one day. List the things you would change.
Does "Ruler of the World" give us some kind of mystical powers? I'd reverse male dominance (which should take care of most of our political and economical problems), and I'd have my IQ magically raised......oh yea....turn my children into geniouses and turn my husband into a Bowie Fan. That should make things pretty much perfect.

What is the one thing you would buy Bowie as a present? Why?
Fabric to make him an awesome artistic shirt with extra long sleeves. Why? So I can see him wear it when he's on tour, of course!

What do you think is your greatest talent?
Hiding my talents from everybody who has ever known me :)

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