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Shazz and friends
I'm the one in the electric blue cowboy hat, with the braids, false eyelashes and the shiner (hey, it was a white trash party). This was taken after Dan the bartender (the unshaven guy in one of the pics), literally POURED tequila down our throats straight from the bottle. Dig my shirt too...tis a cowgirl shirt...unfortunately they were out of the sparkley kenny rogers ones in my size. YEEE HAAAWWW


Which is Better?

Food or Sex: Nothing beats great sex, but if its mediocre or below....pass the fois gras, please
Paris or NYC: Even with Gulliani's Storm troopers creating a no fun zone in manhattan, NYC will always be more decadent than Paris. Don't believe me? Well, you've never been to Paris then.
CDs or LPs: CD's....can't listen to LP's on the subway
Labyrinth or TMWFTE: TMWFTE, but Labyrinth gets special mention for excessive use of frosted eyeshadow
Money or Love: Love, love, and love.

Word Association: (please type the first word that comes into your head):

Bowie: Cheekbones
Iman: Cheekbones
Lets Dance: Hairspray
Jerry Springer: Freak show
Reeves Gabrels: Pink
Gail Ann Dorsey: Cheekbones
Bowienet: Family


If David Bowie called you on the phone asking for money, what would you do?
Laugh, and tell him I send him enough already. Send ME some money, why don't ya?

You are Ruler Of the World for just one day. List the things you would change.
Isn't this kind of a Miss America question? For just one day? Will my changes stand after that day, or do they become moot, as someone else has become ruler of the world? WTF can you really accomplish in one day? Christ. I would alter time and space, so that whenever I walked into the room, I would be seen back lit, in slow motion, wind blowing my hair, and lips oh so pouty, as Iggy Pop's "I wanna be your dog" played at max volume. Yeah Im selfish. But I'll look fabulous.

What is the one thing you would buy Bowie as a present? Why?
an air horn, to be blown in the faces of those obnoxious fackers who accost you on the street....sorry, venting. but it works for him too. He can have mine when his runs out. He needs it more than me.

What do you think is your greatest talent?

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