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"…they may not like us, but they can't get away from knowing who we are."
Spin 3/88

Every month SOD chooses one divine individual from our applications to temporarily join our distinctive school of thought, and to excel as an alumnus of sorts, joyfully spreading chaos and mayhem across cyberspace and in the world in general. However, like all great progressive educational institutions, we sometimes realize the need to recognize an individual who has made a profound or significant contribution to our world…not to mention a little cheap publicity never hurts. Hence, we have elected as our first recipient of the Doctorate of SODom, Robert Smith of The Cure.

Robert Smith was born, oddly enough, Robert Smith, in 1959. He began his path to SODliness early in life as a wee wisp of a lad in school, flashing around in a floor-length fur coat and lengthy hair, and subsequently being suspended as an undesirable influence. Forming Easy Cure in 1976 and covering the occasional Bowie tune, thereby proving his genius early on, Smith and company began refining the sound that would be later known as The Cure.

In the early eighties, Robert Smith and his band helped to define the developing Punk, Goth, New Wave, Industrial, and Rock scenes with amazing albums such as "Pornography", "Blue Sunshine" and "The Top" - albums which featured intricate bass-line weavings and ingenious lyrics. The ever-amorphous Robert Smith then continued to push the limits of fashion with his penchant for lipstick and eyeliner, not to mention his ever-growing black locks which enticed many a young Sisteur to barricade themselves in the bathroom with several cans of hair spray, despite the risk of being walking fire hazards for several hours.

By the mid to late eighties, Doc Bob and company produced "Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me" and "Disintegration", arguably two of the best musical statements to come out of the eighties and some of The Cure's more critically acclaimed, as well as commercially successful, work. Not merely content with being a progenitor of the aforementioned musical and fashion scenes, Smith pulled a Bowie-esque move…that's right, he got a hair cut and got married.

Robert training a new back-up singer

The 1990s wrought numerous musical musings from Robert Smith and his ever-evolving band, such as the ever-popular "Wish" and "Wild Mood Swings" albums, an amazing duet with Bowie at his B-Day Bash, and not to mention, the all-important day that Robert Smith saved the world from Mecha Streisand on 'South Park'.

The "Ohs" have just seen the release of Doc Bob and The Cure's newest album, "Bloodflowers", a befitting start to the new millennium, and the close of a brilliant trilogy begun nearly two decades ago. Featuring a devastating combination of arrangements and mesmerizing lyrics, "Bloodflowers" is certain to become a modern classic.

So it is with great honor we present the Doctorate of SODom to Robert Smith. Doc Bob, the Sisteurs salute you.

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