SOD of the Season
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Mr. Pink


Which is Better?

What is your favourite Bowie Hairdo? when has Bowie had a hairdon't? oh yeah, the 80s.
What are your three best physical attributes? my unnatural ability to consume mass amounts of strawberry wafer cookies and not gain weight. my painting of Freddy Mercury. eyebrows.
What was the last song you had stuck in your head? conjunction junction
Do you dream you're naked a lot? "Don't dream it, be it."

Oui or Non:
(Yes or No):

If you could be your favourite movie star for 15 minutes, would you take their clothes off to see what they look like naked? YES
Have you ever kissed your David Bowie Posters (cheers zimmo for that one!) YES
Do you eat vegetables? YES
Have you ever made stuff up in chat to make yourself look good? YES


In 25 words or less, tell SOD (and the rest of the Bowie Universe) one thing you think makes you an ideal candidate.
my utter contempt for sarah michelle gellar. but it was awesome when she said "i'll fuck your brains out" in Cruel Intentions... which had placebo in it.

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