SOD of the Season
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Which is Better?

Food or Sex: Don't hotdogs fit both catagories?
Paris or NYC: NYC, More people like me there
CDs or LPs: Well, since I can't play a LP on my computer, I'm going with CD's
Labyrinth or TMWFTE: I'm stuck in the 80's hair-doo. David's hair looks like the style most of the girls in my highschool had....Labyrinth
Money or Love: As Grandpappy used to say "love will get you further without money than money will get you without love" Then again Grandpappy was nuts and poor...I'll go for money

Word Association: (please type the first word that comes into your head):

Bowie: SOD
Iman: Lucky Bitch
Lets Dance: Yikes
Jerry Springer: Mom
Reeves Gabrels: Dad
Gail Ann Dorsey: hubba hubba
Bowienet: sexy


If David Bowie called you on the phone asking for money, what would you do?
I'd tell him to fack off and go get money from his damn bank or cash in some stocks...Of course i would let him beg and loan him a couple bucks and by him a pack of smokes.

You are Ruler Of the World for just one day. List the things you would change.
- I would deem it national Bowie Day.
- There would be no more annoying stories about little cuban boys in Florida.
I'll just sum it up for you -Judge Dread!!!!

What is the one thing you would buy Bowie as a present? Why?
Via Voice - So he can answer my questions faster. The old dog would never use a typing tutor

What do you think is your greatest talent?
Well, I used to be able to pull my foreskin over my head and disappear up my ass, but I don't do that party trick anymore, so I guess it would be inhailing wasabi through my nose while swallowing a Ebi roll. It's the perfect mixture.

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